Worship in German

We will have the next German-language Service on Sunday, May  5th at 12:30 pm. Kaffeeklatsch / coffee hour starts around 11:30 am.

Here is the YouTube link for Gottesdienst am Sonntag Rogate:


There is also a German-language confirmation group which has regular confirmation classes and outings from September to June. We are currently signing up our new group. If your child is around 14 years old (and/or in 8th grade) and interested in a confirmation experience in German, contact us! Our orientation meeting is after worship on September 17!

Pastor Robin Lutjohann is bilingual in English and German. If you are interested in any of the above, or have questions, or would like to be on the monthly mailing list, please contact Pastor Robin directly at pastor@faithcambridge.org.